This pleasant circular walk starts off parallel to the San Juan gorge, before taking you up above the treeline to the Albergue San Francisco, where you get wide open views of the surrounding landscape, including up to the high mountains.
Level The route involves a reasonable amount of climbing, and is steep in parts. It mostly uses good paths and tracks, but not all of it is signposted.

When to go The route is probably best in late spring or autumn, when it isn’t too hot but there’s no snow on the ground. Tree cover on the climb up gives some protection from the sun even in summer.
Water You can get water at the Albergue de San Francisco when it’s open (usually weekends only). In any case, make sure you take enough for the climb up.
Location: NW Sierra Nevada, Pradollano
The walk starts from near the Dornajo visitor centre on the road up to the Sierra Nevada ski station at Pradollano.
By Car: From Granada, take the A-395 towards Sierra Nevada. Turn off to the left at the junction by the Dornajo visitor centre (just before km 22 of the road) and then keep right on the main road shortly afterwards. Wind up the hill for almost 3 km and park where a dirt road goes off to the left.
By Bus: Not easily accessible by bus.