Beas de Granada – Granada

16 km   4-5 h   385m   Medium   Medium   Medium    


Following the crest of the ridge between Beas and Granada, this walk has some of the best views of the full length of the Sierra Nevada mountains to be had anywhere. It is particularly spectacular in winter, when you can see all of the snow-capped peaks, from El Caballo in the west to Picon de Jerez in the east. As it takes you right back into the heart of Granada, it’s the perfect walk if you’re staying in the city. The shepherds who established this old right of way certainly knew how to pick a good route!

Canal de la Espartera

14 km   4 h 30 min   500 m   Medium   Medium   Easy    


From Trevenque’s dusty, arid slopes to the lush vegetation and crashing waterfalls of the Dilar valley, this walk packs in a huge variety of scenery. Bathed in the warm evening light, the striking peaks of Trevenque and Boca de la Pesca take on subtle shades of gold and red.

Cortijo Hornillo Version A

16 km   4h 30min   813m   Medium   Easy   Medium    


This route winds up through a forest of oak and pine trees, before taking you on to the Cortijo del Hornillo, one of the old summer farms in the mountains. The location is idyllic, and the views of the highest peaks of the Sierra Nevada are incredible. The walk returns along the lower part of the popular Vereda de la Estrella path, in the beautiful valley below.

GR-7 Trevélez – Busquístar

13 km   4 hours   512 m   Medium   Medium   Medium    


This is one of the most attractive legs of the GR-7 long-distance walking trail, and it is a great place to start exploring the beautiful countryside of the Alpujarras. The walk starts in Trevélez, then takes you to a picturesque waterfall, through a forest of holm oaks and past various crumbling farmhouses, before descending to the pretty village of Busquístar. In spring the gorse and broom come into bloom, producing a sea of bright yellow flowers.

Puente Palo Loop

13.5 km   4 hours   544m   Medium   Easy   Medium    


A varied circuit that takes you through the dense forest, orchards and idyllic pastureland of the western Alpujarras. There is welcome shade as you climb up at the start of the walk, but after you reach the highest point of the walk there are lovely views over the Órgiva valley, the Rules reservoir and the hills beyond. If you’re staying in one of the villages in the Poquiera gorge, this is just a very short drive away in the next valley.